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數碼轉型支援先導計劃 (1).png


  1. The retail and catering industries have already started. There is still a chance for catering business owners. The deadline has not passed yet, but it's said to be closing soon. You would like to have an ultimate lazy person's guide for this Please WhatsApp us +852 61226919.

  2. The industries suitable are for small and medium-sized enterprises with 50 or fewer employees (in the retail or catering industry).

  3. The maximum funding is up to $50,000, with a total project cost cap of $100,000.

  4. You cannot find your own suppliers. The supplier registration has already closed, and there are only 23 qualified suppliers including ROKA.

  5. Why choose ROKA?
    ROKA includes:
    2-year ePOS + eQR Code + ePay (electronic payment system and in-store sales) + employee clocking + eShop + inventory management
    CRM (customer management and promotion system)
    iPad (POS) + iPhone SE (staff mobile ordering)
    Multiple new printers and cashier equipmentFor payment, the applicant first pays 50% of the approved funding amount, and the remaining balance is directly disbursed by HKCMCL.

                                 The catering industry:

The applicant must hold one of the following licenses:

1.  Provisional/Full Restaurant Licence

2.  Provisional/Full Composite Food Shop Licence

3.  Provisional/Full Marine Restaurant Licence

4.  Provisional/Full Factory Canteen Licence

5.  Provisional/Full Frozen Confection Factory Licence

6.  Provisional/Full Food Factory Licence

7.  Provisional/Full Bakery Licence

8.  Provisional/Full Fresh Provision Shop Licence

9.  Provisional/Full Siu Mei and Lo Mei Shop Licence

10.  Provisional/Full Liquor Licence and Club Liquor Licence


  • Company Basic Information:
    Company Name
    Business Registration Certificate Number
    Industry Sector
    Company Address
    Company Registration Number
    Main Contact Person Details (Name, Mobile Number, Email Address)

    Documents Required:
    Business Registration Certificate
    Store Photos Photos showing substantial business operations at the specified address Address Proof (e.g. Rental Agreement, Utility Bill) Relevant Food & Environmental Hygiene Department License(s) This is the set of information and documents that the applicant needs to be ready with when registering for the funding program at the website https://dtspp.cyberport.hk/zh-hk/.


  • 數碼轉型支援先導計劃,


  • 商業登記證;

  •  x 香港上市公司 x 法定機構 x 接受公帑資助的非政府機構

  • 申請時在香港以下行業(「指定行業」)擁有實質業務運作:

  • 餐飲業 /零售業(不包括餐飲業);

  • 全職員工少於50人,不包括兼職員工;

  • 公司集團所有全職員工也計算,且應少於50人,才合資格;

  • 只申請一次


  • 電子支付系統及店面銷售:
    • 協助企業建立電子支付系統及自動化店面銷售
    • 包括自助式店面銷售方案,如自助落單系統和自助售賣機等
    • 系統可透過營銷數據生成報表,讓企業分析其業務狀況,為業務決策提供依據
    • 此類別方案必須附有至少一種電子支付方式是低於現有客戶享有的交易費用
    • 不包括每次付款的交易費或同等費用

  • 線上推廣:
    • 協助企業建設網站、社交媒體專頁
    • 加強網上搜尋器觸及率、社交媒體能見度幫助企業推廣業

  • 客戶管理及優惠系統:
    • 協助企業銷售宣傳,例如設立會員制度、虛擬優惠券等• 增加企業與顧客及潛在客戶的溝通及互動,系統提供客戶支援、個案管理及知識庫等功能,集中儲存客戶資料和聯繫記錄,並可提供報表,讓企

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